Lightstone, Artifact and Crystal Setups Cheatsheet
Note: The sheet currently does not contain mastery/EXP crystals. I’ll update it when I find some time.
With artifacts, lightstones and now the crystal inventory in the game, lifeskillers have plenty of options for customizing their setup. However, picking a good setup from all the possible combinations can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re a new or returning lifeskiller.
That’s why I’ve decided to compile recommended setups for each lifeskill into a handy cheat sheet.
The setups in the sheet are meant to be a starting point rather than the end-all-be-all. You’re welcome to adapt them to your personal preferences.
I hope this sheet is helpful :)
I would also like to thank the guys from the Lifeskill Discord who helped me put this information together and gave me feedback.
Any feedback and suggestions from you guys are very welcome.
Lightstone combos/Artifacts: garmoth
Crystals: bdolytics / grumpygreen